One of my core pursuits is travel. I have been to all 50 states and 18 foreign countries. Check my busket list to see where I'll be headed next.
Eclipse chaser, dune rat, long distance motorcycle rider, thrill seeker, suba diver, world traveler are all things that I pursue.
I created The AngelPics Project to donate photo retouching resources to the parents and families of stillborn babies.
Sage Mountain is our family and friend retreat, berry farm, swimming hole, snowmobile destination and prepper compound. Nothing tastes better than fresh picked Sage Mountain Raspberries!
Over the years I have been mentored by many successful men. In turn I volunteer putting by 40+ years of business experience to use through mentoring.
My life's work has been entrepreneuring. My capstone achievement has been our family business Hollywood FotoFix. The largest provider of retouching and restorations to photo professionals in the world..